Wow, did I start subscribing at just the right time! I went through a similar experimentation and exercise with Future Thief a year ago. To summarize, I refined my focus entirely and started posting only speculative fiction. No literature. No meta. No poetry. No essays. No musings. Speculative fiction short stories only. Occasionally, I do share about my publication journey as a personal offering to readers, but it's very refined and focused on my fiction success and failures. My readers know exactly what to expect, and it has worked out amazing. It's not for everyone, and there are days where it requires more discipline than fun.

For what it's worth, you're on to something. Forget about branding and focus on your whole self. Out of that you'll arrive organically at your destination. I would invite you to answer a different kind of question, which I think you already have. If there is something you want to do, should do, and are called to do, then why aren't you focused on doing that? What I read is Lyle Enright is a fantasy writer. He writes fantasy fiction and fantasy games. If that's true, then why isn't Lyle Enright writing fantasy fiction and fantasy games here on A Particular Weird?

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